Thursday, July 20, 2023

在 Site Intelligence Team 工作是什麼樣的體驗? A talk with Kennedy



Q1) Please introduce yourself for us.  
Hello! I’m Kennedy, currently Senior Manager of Site Intelligence team based in Taipei, Taiwan.
Before joining Parexel, I lived and worked in Kenya and Zambia.  
I’ve been with Parexel for 7 years. My career path is joining as a Site Intelligence Analyst at 2016, become Site Intelligence Leader at 2019, Site Intelligence Manager at 2021, and Senior Manager this year. 

Q1) 請幫我們介紹一下你自己
大家好!我是Kennedy,目前為Parexel Site Intelligence 部門的資深經理。在加入Parexel之前,我曾在肯亞和尚比亞生活和工作過。
我在Parexel工作了7年,在這裡的職涯發展是從2016年以Site Intelligence Analyst加入,2019年升為Site Intelligence Leader,2021年成為Site Intelligence部門主管,並於今年升為資深經理。

Q2) Can help to introduce the role of Site Intelligence (SI) in clinical research?
Site Intelligence team helps to get the best possible doctors to join clinical trials. 

We collect, maintain, and analyze the data of doctors and hospitals – what are their specialties, what they do well, the trials they have joined – and link these data with the upcoming clinical trials projects for our clients. 

Q2) 可以幫我們介紹Site Intelligence在臨床研究中扮演的角色嗎?
在一個臨床研究專案中,Site Intelligence的任務為協助尋找最適合的醫生參與臨床試驗。我們收集、維護和分析醫生和醫院的數據,包括他們的專長領域以及參與過的試驗專案。提供相應的分析給客戶,以更準確的評估與規劃將要開展的臨床試驗案專案。

Q3) Can help to introduce Site Intelligence team?
SI team has a global presence with members spread across United States, Germany, Italy, and Taiwan. Taiwan has the biggest team with around 18 team members and looking to grow. Our global team leader Vivian Chiu is also based in Taiwan.  

SI team works on global projects across Asia, Europe, and US. That’s the reason why we have a different working schedule, you may either start your work from morning or mid-day to cover that global footprint. If joining the team, you’ll experience many different things by working with people around the world, it’s important to be open-minded!

Q3) 可以為我們介紹Site Intelligence 部門嗎 ?
Site Intelligence 的部門足跡擴及全球,主要的成員位於美國、德國、意大利和台灣。台灣擁有最大的團隊,一共18名成員,且正在不斷擴張。我們的全球團隊負責人Vivian Chiu也位於台灣。

Site Intelligence參與了遍佈亞洲、歐洲和美國的專案項目。我們有特殊的工作時間表,可能從早晨或中午開始工作,以滿足即時回應跨洲專案項目的需求。若加入我們的團隊,你將與世界各地的人共事,並體驗多元文化,因此開放的心態是很重要的!

Q4) What are the departments SI team collaborating with most frequently? 
There are many stages of clinical trials, site intelligence team is in the feasibility stage. We analyze the possibility of a drug going out to the market, the departments we corporate most frequently are Clinical Feasibility Leaders, Site Liaison Feasibility Specialists and Feasibility Strategic Analysts. 

Q4) SI部門最常合作的人是誰呢?
SI 主要位於試驗可行性評估的階段,我們協助分析藥物上市的可能性。最常與這些部門同事合作: Clinical Feasibility Leaders、Site Liaison Feasibility Specialists、Feasibility Strategic Analysts

Q5) What kind of advice you’ll give to people who’d like to join site intelligence team?
Prepare yourself to have fun and explore different elements each day. The team allows for creativity, so just try to do the best you can. We have a lot of information from all over the world. Our work is making this information to be more useful for the upcoming clinical trial projects.  

Q5) 對於將加入SI的人,你會給予什麼樣的建議呢?

Q6) How is Parexel/CRO industry different from the other industries you worked with?
I’ve worked in different industry before, such as telecommunication. CRO industry is more patient, and drug focused. You put the patient’s life at the core of what you do, and that’s gives a lot of more meaning and seriousness of your work. You are helping with the patients around the world and even yourself in the future. 

Q6) CRO產業與你之前待過的其他產業有何不同?

Q7) As a manager, what are you expecting from the background from the candidate?
The best candidates are from statistical, computer sciences, and business information technology backgrounds. With this kind of knowledge, they’ll be able to understand the datasets easier.  
In terms of soft skills, we are looking for people with good English communication skills, willing to be team players, and details oriented.  

Q7) 作為主管,您對候選人的背景有哪些期望?

Q8) Can you share the training provided at Parexel?  
Parexel has one of the best trainings in the CRO industry. 
Once you join, we started with a 6month training, and you will only start to work on projects after proper training. The training will be through our learning management system and mentorship programs. Other self-learning resources, such as LinkedIn learning is also provided. 

Q8) 可以分享Parexel提供的培訓嗎?
一旦加入公司,便開始為期6個月的培訓。我們透過mentorship program以及線上培訓系統 (Learning Management System)提供新人訓練。且只有經過適當的培訓後,你才會開始參與項目工作。同時Parexel還提供其他自主學習資源,如LinkedIn Learning等平台。

Q9) Please share how you use Parexel benefit and what are the best part of it.  
Taiwan has a Welfare Committee that provides interesting events. Every year you can go out and book a trip with a group of friends in office and families to have fun. Other benefits such as we have a points platform that you can accumulate and buy interesting things. Parexel also provide cross countries working and career transfer opportunities. 

Q9) 請分享您如何使用Parexel福利。